45 Long Colt Incendiary Tracer

45 Long Colt Incendiary/Tracer ammunition is a Combination Round. It traces 500 yards with a Bright Red Daylight Trace. The incendiary component ignites on target contact and burns at 3,000 degrees.

NOT AVAILABLE IN: CALIFORNIA, IOWA, ILLINOIS, FLORIDA, OR MASSACHUSETTS or the Seven Boroughs of NEW York. SORRY. By buying this item you certify that you may legally buy and possess this ammunition in the jurisdiction of your residence. Ammo purchasers are responsible for use and compliance with all federal, state and local laws. Free shipping on ammo orders over $250. Ammo is shipped by UPS Ground Only.


45 Long Colt Incendiary/Tracer ammunition is a Combination Round. It traces 500 yards with a Bright Red Daylight Trace. The incendiary component ignites on target contact and burns at 3,000 degrees.

NOT AVAILABLE IN: CALIFORNIA, IOWA, ILLINOIS, FLORIDA, OR MASSACHUSETTS or the Seven Boroughs of NEW York. SORRY. By buying this item you certify that you may legally buy and possess this ammunition in the jurisdiction of your residence. Ammo purchasers are responsible for use and compliance with all federal, state and local laws. Free shipping on ammo orders over $250. Ammo is shipped by UPS Ground Only.


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