Gum Gully Provision is the first to offer the “Nasty Mutha”. This 2 1/2 inch 410 round features a Lehigh Extreme Defense Slug backed up with copper #4 shot making this an extremely lethal personal defense round.

Ammo purchasers are responsible for use and compliance with all federal, state and local laws. Free shipping on ammo orders over $250. Ammo is shipped by UPS Ground Only.


Gum Gully Provision is the first to offer the “Nasty Mutha”. This 2 1/2 inch 410 round features a Lehigh Extreme Defense Slug backed up with copper #4 shot making this an extremely lethal personal defense round.

Ammo purchasers are responsible for use and compliance with all federal, state and local laws. Free shipping on ammo orders over $250. Ammo is shipped by UPS Ground Only.


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