Rubber Buckie rounds are loaded with 3  resin rubber ducks with 6 mm plastic beads to create a fun humorous round.  They should be regarded as normal lethal ammunition. THESE ARE NOT FOR CHILDREN AND ARE NOT TOYS!

5 round package 2-3/4″ hand loaded custom rounds proudly manufactured in the U.S.A!

WARNING: You must be 18 years or older to purchase ammunition. Always make sure you use the correct ammunition for your specific firearm. Check local laws for other regulations.


Rubber Buckie rounds are loaded with 3  resin rubber ducks with 6 mm plastic beads to create a fun humorous round.  They should be regarded as normal lethal ammunition. THESE ARE NOT FOR CHILDREN AND ARE NOT TOYS!

5 round package 2-3/4″ hand loaded custom rounds proudly manufactured in the U.S.A!

WARNING: You must be 18 years or older to purchase ammunition. Always make sure you use the correct ammunition for your specific firearm. Check local laws for other regulations.
